Having shipping problems on eBay? Are your packages getting lost or damaged in shipment? Want to increase your feedback? Often sellers find themselves asking these questions too often, when shipping products to their customers. Even on a tight budget, you can ship your items successfully to your buyers. Increase customer satisfaction with these few tips.
Avoid irregular packages
As tempting as it may be to get rid of those water skis, that have been sitting in your garage for years, it may not be a wise choice for an eBay sale. When shipping with many major shipping companies, often times, irregular packages are rejected if not packaged exactly right. This may cause issues if you are trying to keep the cost of your item down. Shipping irregular packages is not only expensive but it can also cause damage to the item during the shipping process. Sticking to items that can fit in standard boxes. This keeps your shipping costs low and increases the chance of a successful shipment.
Provide tracking information
Customers like to track their shipments for many reasons. It allows them to keep updated on their item and it allows them to rely on you, as a seller, to ship their packages. Oftentimes, if a package turns up lost, providing shipping information allows them to take proactive steps in retrieving their package before it is too late. Many sellers often find that buyers are less willing to negotiate, in such instances, when sellers neglect to offer shipping info. Offer sellers credibility and provide them with tracking information on their items beforehand.
Ship on time
Many sellers choose to ship their items within a week. You may not be able to control the time in transit, however, you can control the time it takes you to ship the items. Providing your customers with a prompt shipping time, will give them confidence in buying from you time and time again.
Find new ways to pack
One of the best ways to become a successful shipper, is to pack your items, carefully. You may be thinking that you can’t ship your items properly because of the price of shipping material. However, there are ways to alternative ways to the traditional packing materials. Obtaining free cardboard from your local groceries stores and using recycled newspaper and interior packing material, can allow you to package your items carefully without raising your shipping expenses. You can receive positive feedback for the care you put in packaging their items, while lowering your risk of having the packages arrive damaged and needing to compensate your unsatisfied buyer.
Being a successful shipper does not have to mean raising your shipping costs or purchasing expensive packaging material. Finding ways to handle your items and provide great customer service to your buyers can not only reward you with positive feedback but save you time and money, as well.